Keep healthy bones through activity and exercise at Martial Arts fitness

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Fitness evening classes for all at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Fitness evening classes for all at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Martial Arts fitness provides the proper amount and intensity of exercise

The development of strong, healthy bones begins in early childhood, but the maintenance of a healthy skeleton takes lifelong commitment and effort. While low bone density after menopause is a common problem with women today, age-related thinning and porosity of bones is very common in men and women. Because the main reason for early bone weakness and degeneration is lack of use, activity and exercise, Choi Kwang Do SM can help by providing the proper amount and intensity of exercise! It can also help preserve your joint structure because joint motions are never isolated to one plane in a CKD technique. Even the person holding the air shield that is being hit will develop endurance and overall conditioning, including bone and muscle strength.

For a FREE trial class, email Robert here.

Fitness classes Brighton with excellent reviews

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Fitness classes for all at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Fitness classes for all at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Five star review from our students

Come and try our Martial Arts classes we have excellent reviews from all ages and abilities. See our Reviews pages to see what they say. Contact Robert today for your FREE trial class.

5 star reviews for The Choi Foundation, Brighton Marital Arts and Self Defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Rob runs the classes with a good balance of discipline and fun, and each grading gives us all a real sense of achievement. All the instructors are friendly, helpful and encouraging. I recommend the Brighton Choi Foundation classes to anyone who wants to get fitter and learn self-defence.

Alex Pilsworth, Blue Belt, 2016

Brighton Martial Arts techniques use sequential movement fitness

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Fitness classes for all at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Fitness classes for all at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Maximum force decreased chance of injury

It is imperative that we use modern advances in science for self-defence, human development, and human health. By embracing science, we can train our bodies more productively, more efficiently, and more healthfully. All Choi Kwang Do techniques use sequential movement, which means that energy transfers naturally from one body segment to the next. This results in maximum force production, decreased chance of injury, and energy efficiency.

For a FREE trial class, email Robert here.

Achieve goals at Martial Arts classes

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Fitness evening classes for all at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Fitness evening classes for all at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Fitness class to be proud of

Our pledge

To set positive goals and strive to achieve them.

To apply self-discipline to further my personal development.

To stand for justice and honour my word.

To promote friendly relationships among all people.

To use what I learn in class in a constructive manner.

For a FREE trial class, email Robert here.

All fitness levels can learn Martial Arts

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Fitness evening classes for all at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Fitness evening classes for all at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Low to high intensity exercise

Choi Kwang Do can be practiced at variable intensities. Since everything is progressive, people of all fitness levels can learn. All Choi Kwang Do patterns, speed drills, and target drills use sequential movements that result in fluid and connected movements. This is ideal for low to high intensity exercise.

By creating oxygen debt through high intensity workouts, the lung and heart’s reserve capacity increases. This is also a more time-efficient and effective way to burn fat and get fit when compared to aerobic exercise.

For a FREE trial class, email Robert here.

Fitness for any age at Brighton Martial Arts classes

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Fitness for any age. Fitness for life at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Fitness for any age. Fitness for life at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Wellness, enjoyment and fitness for life with Martial Arts

At Choi Kwang Do, individuals may train at any age and enjoy the benefits of fitness and longevity. Levels of intensity, frequency and duration are all systematically developed for wellness. We encourage all our students to exercise regularly and to live a wholesome lifestyle.

We have students in there 40’s, 50’s and 60’s, come and see for yourself. For a FREE trial class, email Robert here.

Exercise classes that stimulate positive changes in the body and brain

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Positive changes in Martial Art and Self-defence in Brighton at The Choi Foundation

Positive changes in Martial Art and Self-defence in Brighton at The Choi Foundation

Learning martial art combinations

Choi Kwang Do will not only add years onto your life, but also life onto your years! The system is designed to enhance health, prevent disease and stimulate positive changes in the body and brain.

Learning a martial art combination of kicks and punches (called patterns) works the brain and the body at the same time. A bit like dancing, they both make you smile with achievement.

For a FREE trial class, email Robert here.

Everyone is a winner at Martial Arts classes

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Everyone is a winner at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Everyone is a winner at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

We downplay competition At The Choi Foundation

Young children can’t distinguish between winning / losing in a competition and winning / losing in real life. When children lose in a contest, they often feel like they have lost in life as well. Since the child is still forming his or her sense of self, this belief is negative reinforcement and detrimental to their growth. Even in school, children compete against each other for high grades and praise, and much of the curriculum involves abstract analytical skills and facts. At Choi Kwang Do, we understand that learning comes not only from the intellect, but also from interactions with other people and knowing that you really can achieve your goals.

For a FREE trial class, email Robert here.

Easy-to-learn, sequential martial art fitness

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Easy-to-learn in Martial Art and Self-defence in Brighton at The Choi Foundation

Easy-to-learn in Martial Art and Self-defence in Brighton at The Choi Foundation

Learning and training in your own time

By embracing science, we can train our bodies more productively, more efficiently, and more healthfully. All Choi Kwang Do techniques use sequential movement, which means that energy transfers naturally from one body segment to the next. This results in maximum force production, decreased chance of injury, and energy efficiency.

For a FREE trial class, email Robert here.

Using all your muscle fibres in martial art classes

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Using all your muscle fibres in Martial Art and Self-defence in Brighton at The Choi Foundation

Using all your muscle fibres in Martial Art and Self-defence in Brighton at The Choi Foundation

Anaerobic training both sides of your body

Where are two types of muscle fibres that are used in Choi Kwang Do. Slow-twitch (Type I) muscle fibres are used when performing patterns with low or medium intensity, while fast-twitch (Type II) muscle fibres are used for more intense short bursts of anaerobic training such as speed drills and target attack drills. Choi Kwang Do patterns and speed drills utilize both sides of the body equally so that there is balanced development.

For a FREE trial class, email Robert here.

Learn real-life, practical self-defence fitness at Brighton Martial Arts

Learn real-life, practical self-defence fitness  at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Learn real-life, practical self-defence fitness at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Choi Kwang Do is not designed for competition but to achieve a greater level of health

And does not have the intensity of sports training. The system is meant for the average individual who wants to learn real-life, practical self-defence skills and achieve a greater level of health and well-being, not people solely interested in winning trophies. Because it’s a noncontact, nonfighting, non-competitive art that stresses mental, physical, emotional and social development, Choi Kwang Do promotes nonviolent resolutions to conflict, practical solutions to cardiovascular improvement, and enjoyable methods of exercise. In addition, with competition removed, students can continually develop — not against each other, but with each other. With a progressive system from White belt to highest level of Black belt, Choi Kwang Do always offers you something new and challenging to learn, experience and enjoy.

For a FREE trial class, email Robert here.

Exercise in your 40s, 50s and 60s and Master Choi is in his 70s

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Students in their 40s, 50s & 60s Martial Art and Self-defence in Brighton at The Choi Foundation

Students in their 40s, 50s & 60s Martial Art and Self-defence in Brighton at The Choi Foundation

Choi Kwang Do martial art classes

The Choi Foundation training is based on individual needs, capabilities, skill levels and ages. Our students range from 5 to 65 year old and some of our Choi Kwang Do international instructors are over 70. Since our primary goals are to prevent or reduce illness and disease and to promote optimum health and longevity by minimizing degeneration of body and mind, we also welcome those with limitations. Everyone is welcome at Choi Kwang Do.

For a FREE trial class, email Robert here.

Robert at Horsham CKD

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Robert at Horsham CKD July2016

Chief Head Instructor training at Horsham

A great photo by Martial Arts Photography UK, see his other great photos.

Even our chief instructor attends classes for practice at HORSHAM CHOI KWANG DO.

Students are rewarded for their patience in Martial Art classes

Students are rewarded for their patience  at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Students are rewarded for their patience at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Each belt is a short-term goal of about 3 months

Choi Kwang Do also teaches patience, and our students are rewarded for their patience with our progressive belt system. We start at White belt and go all the way up to high Black belt, offering children something to aim for. As they progress in rank, they gain more confidence because they learn higher skills and techniques. Each belt is a short-term goal, which motivates and positively reinforces further achievement. When students reach their goal, we reward them with their new belt and celebrate in a ceremony with all the other students and the instructors. Students feel very special when they receive their belt in this way. This goal-orientated system helps them gain a sense of accomplishment as they progress through the system.

For a FREE trial class, email Robert here.

Greater feeling of physical and mental well-being with martial arts

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Greater feeling at Martial Art and Self-defence in Brighton at The Choi Foundation

Greater feeling at Martial Art and Self-defence in Brighton at The Choi Foundation

Achieve optimum health in our fitness classes

The main reasons for becoming a student in Choi Kwang Do is to achieve optimum health, to learn practical self-defence and for personal development purposes. Within two weeks of joining a Choi Kwang Do school, students often experience a greater feeling of physical and mental well-being than they have ever experienced before. Students can test every 2 months for their next belt (from White Belt to 1st Degree Black belt).

For a FREE trial class, email Robert here.

Joint and muscle strengthening fitness classes

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Joint and muscle strengthening fitness at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Joint and muscle strengthening fitness at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

All of Choi Kwang Do’s techniques are based on biomechanical principles

Sudden, jerky movements are not used. This allows a practitioner to not only produce maximum force and promote health, but also to decrease the chance of injury. Our integrated movements also allow elder individuals to adapt slowly. Joint and muscle strength, mobility level, joints’ range of motion, endurance and fitness can be gradually improved. Because you use your entire body in the exercises, even bones can become stronger.

For a FREE trial class, email Robert here.

Martial Arts is an ideal form of exercise…

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Martial Arts is an ideal form of exercise at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Martial Arts is an ideal form of exercise at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

For middle-aged and elderly individuals

And it’s an ideal activity after retirement. Anyone can enjoy the benefits of training, and even teaching, at a CKD school. We have instructors who are over 60 (at The Choi Foundation), and many students are even older (world wide). Extensive research has shown that good lifestyle habits and exercise are critical to reducing the aging process. The choices you make daily can either speed up or slow down your aging process.

All aging, including premature aging, is biological — we age according to our genetic makeup — but this process is controllable and can be greatly influenced. Environment and lifestyle habits contribute greatly to the process. That’s why some people fall apart by the time they’re 35 and others are healthy, youthful and active into their senior years!

For a FREE trial class, email Robert here.

Children relax, make friends, learn and enjoy Martial Arts

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Children relax, make friends, learn and enjoy Martial Arts and Self-defence in Brighton at The Choi Foundation

Children relax, make friends, learn and enjoy Martial Arts and Self-defence in Brighton at The Choi Foundation

Learn about commitment and persistence in class

Children at Choi Kwang Do learn to encourage others to grow, to support each other, to be patient, to share, to behave with decorum and to compassionately relate with, rather than compete against each other. In our protective, affirming environment, children can relax, make friends, learn, enjoy their training, and develop pride with humility. They learn to keep a clear, strong mind; they learn about commitment and persistence; they learn that achievement takes time; and they learn to stay focused until they achieve their goals. There are no losers at Choi Kwang Do.

For a FREE trial class, email Robert here.

We use our brains to keep fit at Martial Arts

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Students learning new skills at Martial Art and Self-defence in Brighton at The Choi Foundation

Students learning new skills at Martial Art and Self-defence in Brighton at The Choi Foundation

Learning new skills through fitness training

At The Choi Foundation Martial Arts class we use our brains constantly throughout a class. Martial Arts is body training a combination of moves (punching and kicking), we call a pattern, used to defend yourself. Speed and concentration is required, which we have all learned by starting at white belt and moving through the more complex belts.

For a FREE trial class, email Robert here. We look forward to meeting you.

Aerobic fitness training develops stamina and endurance

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Aerobic fitness at Martial Art and Self-defence in Brighton at The Choi Foundation

Aerobic fitness at Martial Art and Self-defence in Brighton at The Choi Foundation

We have many exciting and enjoyable drills to develop individuals aerobically and anaerobically

Both are important: Aerobic fitness training develops stamina and endurance, which assists you in daily life. Anaerobic training develops speed, agility and explosive power, which is essential in self-defence. And the combination strengthens the heart and lungs. We also teach a complete stretching method designed to strengthen all muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones, and our patterns use natural, rhythmic, fluid, contra-lateral movements. We systematically train both sides of the body evenly, in coordination with the eyes, which allows students to stimulate and develop their brain as well as their muscles.

For a FREE trial class, email Robert here.

Regular training and fitness classes Brighton

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Regular keep fit classes, Martial Art and Self-defence in Brighton at The Choi Foundation

Regular keep fit classes, Martial Art and Self-defence in Brighton at The Choi Foundation

Choi Kwang Do martial arts is a holistic health system

Every student within Choi Kwang Do Martial Art International is focused on living a more productive, healthier and longer life. Because of that, we tailor an individual’s training to meet their own personal needs and promote better health in their life. Sports training has little to do with health — the goal is winning. Competitions overstress the body with high-intensity workouts that overtax the immune system and cause injuries. Statistics show more than 10,000,000 sports injuries are treated each year in the United States.

For a FREE trial class, email Robert here.

FREE trial class at The Choi Foundation

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FREE trial class and half price uniform at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

HALF PRICE uniform for £20

From July 2016 we have a NEW introductory offer. One free trial class and a HALF PRICE uniform for £20*, usually £40*. See here for details about our classes.

To book your trial class please email Robert our Chief Instructor here. We look forward to meeting you.

*per person


Students gain self-confidence at our Martial Arts classes

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Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Brighton Choi Foundation Martial Arts

Based on a traditional Choi Kwang Do Martial Arts, our philosophy emphasizes the importance of personal and social development rather than competition. Alongside self-defence we development of good manners, courtesy, self-discipline, self-confidence and a good social adjustment are paramount to the philosophy.

This 25-year-old self-defence Martial Art is physically challenging with a modern approach and in a safe and friendly environment. If you have never tried a martial art, or maybe you practiced years ago and want to start again, we are confident our classes will suit your needs and abilities.

For a FREE trial class, email Robert here to booked your classes.


Nonviolent and non aggressive self-defence classes, Choi Kwang Do

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Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

The Choi Foundation Martial Art classes are noncontact

Choi Kwang Do website says: Because it’s a noncontact, nonfighting, non-competitive art that stresses mental, physical, emotional and social development, Choi Kwang Do promotes nonviolent resolutions to conflict, practical solutions to cardiovascular improvement, and enjoyable methods of exercise. Come and see for yourself. For a FREE trial class, email Robert here.

Pil Seung from The Choi Foundation Brighton

Keep fit classes, Martial Art and Self-defence in Brighton at The Choi Foundation

Keep fit classes, Martial Art and Self-defence in Brighton at The Choi Foundation

Martial Arts classes are about achieving your goals

Choi Kwang Do and The Choi Foundation ethos

Our school motto, Pil Seung, translates as “certain victory”, but not in an aggressive manner, and not always in respect to outside forces. It means we never give in unless it’s the right thing to do, we never give up until we achieve victory, and we never allow our spirit to break. The Pil Seung attitude allows us to overcome any obstacle to achieve our goals.

For a FREE trial class, email Robert here.

Pil Seung class

Ladies gain confidence at our martial arts classes

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Ladies of all ages at Martial Arts and Self Defence Classes in Brighton at The Choi Foundation

Ladies of all ages at Martial Arts and Self Defence Classes in Brighton at The Choi Foundation

Helping others with achieving their fitness goals

Assistant Instructor – At Gold belt, dedicated students can certify as Assistant Instructors. While helping others with achieving their goals in Choi Kwang Do, Assistant Instructors learn leadership skills, teaching skills and may also benefit with the privilege of accelerated promotion.

From gold belt and above, any student at the age of 14 who has a good standing and regular training at a certified Choi Kwang Do school can apply or be recommended to become an assistant instructor.

For a FREE trial class, email Robert here to booked your classes.


Free trial class & £20 trial month of Martial Art Classes

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Fitness classes for al at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Fitness classes for al at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Fitness classes for al at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Fitness classes for al at Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Comes to an ends this June, 2016

Hurry, hurry! Sign up for your last chance to try a month of Martial Arts & self-defence classes for only £20 per person (8 x one hour lessons). Classes are for all ages and families welcome.  For a FREE trial class, email Robert here to booked your classes.

New offer to start in July 2016.

Choi Foundation student reviews

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 Choi Foundation student reviews, fitness classes in brighton

Please review your Choi Classes, adults and kids

Thank you very much to those students and parents who have sent me there fantastic reviews about our school. Testimonials are very important and help reassure those who are considering starting martial arts classes that our school is a great place to be. For those who would like to add their comments about class, please do here.

Pil Seung